Our little William Henry was born a healthy ten pounder. We were so blessed to be able to have a home birth. He flipped breech at 39 wks but thankfully Luanne was quick to assess our situation, and a subsequent prayer chain did the trick. He flipped back on his own. The labor was slow but gentle until his head got low enough to break the water. I had plenty of fluid so we had to be patient in getting him to drop down. When it came time to deliver I was so grateful for Luanne's simple advice. She helped me focus by reminding me to stop making so much noise in my throat, and focus on pushing:) She also helped me by reminding me where to focus my push...a seemingly obvious piece of advice that had momentarily escaped me :)
Birth is a natural event that doesn't
have to be an emergency.
Even a ten pound baby is natural.
We also appreciated that Luanne was friend's with, and sought advice and help from an OB (for the version procedure, which was not needed, as baby flipped on his own) and that she was friends with another midwife in town, whom she had us meet in case she couldn't be there for the delivery. She also had an assistant, Jenny, who was a great help in providing comfort, extra hands and welcome advise. We are so grateful for the safe delivery of healthy baby William! Thank you dear God!