“An Answer to Prayer” Before I was ever married or imagined being a mother, I wanted a natural homebirth. In the Spring of 2015 as I wrapped up work responsibilities in West Virginia and prepared to join my new husband in South Dakota, I was an unlikely candidate for seeing my heart’s desire come to fruition. I was older than most first-time moms, with insurance that demanded pre-approval for out-of-state and out-of-network care, I was fighting asthma and allergies and due at the end of September. I searched for a midwife in the Rapid City area and spoke with one local veteran who was unavailable to assist me. I then found Luanne and was especially encouraged by her patience as she walked me through her services over an hour-long session. It felt right and I determined to have her be our midwife. Throughout the prenatal, delivery and antennal care she was professional, steady, gentle, yet firm and encouraging. I am so grateful God gave us Luanne because she believed in me and what God had purposed my body to do. Luanne carefully listened during each home visits and took time to thoroughly explain each time we asked about procedures. I felt extraordinarily prepared by the time our son made his first official request to exit on a Monday night with a slight pain that I could compare to a mild menstrual cramp. Over the next nearly 48 hour period Luanne was a gracious and expert partner who was very present, but not intrusive; she made herself at home, but somehow also able to give me space when I needed it. You may be a serious people person like me, but when you’re in labor, you might need a minute. Luanne understands how to flow with women going through that process while being both a coach and a sister. Overall, our water homebirth was amazing and I’m so grateful God gave us Luanne to help make that dream come true. And, although she warned me that I might have challenges with insurance covering the care, we continued to pray and got coverage as if I were still resident in West Virginia! God is so good.