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Supporting Women through
Pregnancy and Birth
in South Dakota and Wyoming

"Birth is not only about making babies,

birth is also about making mothers;  

strong, competent, capable mothers, who trust themselves and know their inner strength." 

Barbara Katz Rothman


    Welcome to New Life Midwifery Care!  I am happy to  announce that I AM BACK IN THE BLACK HILLS/RAPID CITY AREA, offering homebirth.


WHATS NEW?  I am approved to be a MEDICARE PROVIDER !

 And I have a new BILLER  on board, and we are looking

into billing for TRICARE, and out of network exceptions for many other insurance companies.  I would be happy to run your insurance card, to see what coverage we might be able to offer you. 


    I offer an alternative to mainstream obstetrical care for women. The Midwife Model of Care is holistic;  focusing on helping mothers prepare their bodies and minds for birth and motherhood. 

    Midwives serve as guardians of all things "healthy and normal" 

optimizing healthy outcomes and client satisfaction, while emphasizing the role of the mother and her family in her care.

    Homebirth is a natural extension of this, providing maximum participation of the entire family unit.  I try to guard the "natural process", promote a healthy lifestyle, minimize unnecessary interventions, and carefully moniter the labor and delivery for safety.  

    As most studies show that "out of hospital" birth is as safe, if not more safe than hospital birth, we feel we provide a great option for women with low risk pregnancies!











Luanne Uriel

Certified Nurse Midwife


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